- Enter Activation code - Max com providers is a streaming platform which provides lots of content like Entertainment, News, Music, Gaming and Networks.
You can connect your Max with your favorite provider. Now Max is part of HBO. Both companies are working together, so you can also enjoy HBO content.
Max offers some free content and if you want to enjoy the latest Tv shows and movies you can get it with a monthly subscription.
If you want to connect to your favorite provider, then go to the In this Article Am going to guide you in the easiest way and give you step by step interactions.
You can use your Max code on the activation website. In this article I am going to guide you step by steps how to use your Max code to connect.
Before starting this process. Make sure you have the following preparation.
- An Max subscription which is Activated.
- Should you have to know your Max account details like username, E-mail, phone number.
- Device with a good internet connection.
Processes to use your code step by steps.
- Open your browser on your device.
- Go to the
- Enter your login details or if you need a new account then create a new one.
- Enter the Max code on a blanked column.
- Now you can select your provider. If you don’t find your provider, search your provider name.
- Once you complete these steps you can find out your Max code is connected.
What is the Max Code?
Max code is a unique code which works like a key. When you enter your code they give you lots of content. Max gets this unique code by your TV providers, internet and mobile.
With this code you can access your HBO max content. If you want to know where did you get this code. Am going to guide you step by step.
Make sure you get code when you are trying to activate processes.
- You need to turn it on your TV and go on the Max app.
- You can see a QR code or you can see 6-unique digit numbers.
- The 6-digit number is a Max code. Now you can use them.
If you don’t see the 6-digits codes then you can use your phone and start to scan the QR code.
The QR code directs you to your browser.
When you open the link you will direct to the Max activation page. Then you have to sign in or sign up your Max account.
If you want to use your code let me guide you step by step. Make sure your Max app is open on your TV.
- Go to the
- Log into your Max account.
- Then they ask you to enter your code.
- You have to enter your code which will appear on your TV screen.
Companies who provide Max as a package plan. They offer bundle max with other channels.
It means you can access Max content through your Provide platform.
and your other subscription like cable or satellite provider. I mention a few popular providers’ names here.
AT&T, Spectrum, Xfinity, DirecTV Or Dish Networks. They all provide Max and other streaming channels.
How to connect your Max to your smart TV step by step.
First thing is you have to make sure that your TV is smart TV or not. Because Max only works on smart devices.
It’s easy to connect your Max TV with your smart TV, now follow these simple steps.
- Turn on your smart TV and open your app store which is already build-in your app list.
- Once you open your app store search for the Max app and Download or Install the app.
- After the completed Installation or Downloaded processes you have opened the Max app.
- Login your Max account, Enter your Max mail and password. If you don’t have one, create an account.
- Then you can see a 6-digit code appearing on your TV screen.
- Go to the by using your computer or your phone
- Now you have to enter your activation code on the activation website.
If your TV doesn’t have an app store, Then you can use your streaming devices that support the Max app.
Login & Create your Max account step by step.
Open your browser on your devices like computer or phone and go to the Then you can see Create an account & Login to your account option.
You can click any of them which you need. If you want to go to the login option you can go on or you can go on the account creation option.
Here I am going to tell you how you can Login & create your Max account steps by step.
First, I am going to guide you on how to Create a Max account.
- Go to on your browser.
- Go to the Create an account option or click to the Sign-up option.
- Enter your information like your full name, mail, phone number kind of details.
- You get a verification link on your mail which you provide before when you create your Max account.
- Open your mail and click on the verifying link to confirm your account.
Now I am going to guide you how to Login into your Max account.
- Go to the website.
- Click on the Login or Sign In option.
- Enter your mail or your username and password.
- Click on the continue or Sign In option. For logging into your Max account.
And I tell you one more thing if you are facing some issue with logging in or creating your account. Just refresh your page and try this again.
How to get activation Max code.
You can get activation codes from your Smart TV. Once you set up your Max account then you have to turn on your TV.
Make sure your TV supports Max app, or you can get your Max code through your streaming platforms. If your TV supports the Max app you can install or download the app.
After the login and setup process. you can see Activation code is appearing on your TVs screen. The activation code seems to look like a unique number of digits.
Channels who Max offers.
Now HBO is collaborating with Max so they offer famous brands. Those brands are literally worlds of content.
Here are some popular channels and brands you can enjoy through your Max.
- Cartoon Network collection: This channel is featured on Max with classing and new animated series. You can enjoy your 90s memories and new shows.
- Studio ghibli: Is a renowned Japanese animation studio who is maker of most famous animated movies such as Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, Ponyo and Princes mononoke.
- DC Universe: Known as a Popular superheroes such as Batman, Superman and Wonder woman. Also known as a best visual Movie and TV Shows.
- HBO: Is known for the most popular Movies and shows such as Game of Thrones, True Detective, The Last of Us and OZ. Also watch blockbuster Movies.
- HBO Max Originals: Is a World of Content when you divide deeper you enjoy more than you thought. You can find Documentaries, Movies, Shows, web series and Animated stuff.
- Adult Swim: Max offer Adult oriented animation series such as Rick and Monty, Robot Chicken and Comedy shows of irreverent humor.
- TCM: is like a golden era where you can find lots of classic movies of Hollywood’s greatest era, experience classing cinema just discovery class films.
- Sesame Workshop: Is an educational channel where you can learn valuable lessons through entertainment.
Also you can watch other networks such as Food network, Discovery, TLC HCTV and specific offers can vary by subscription.
providers who include Max.
Lots of famous brands offer Max and it also depends on your location. Lots of brands weren’t available in some countries.
Provider |
Type |
Disney+ (Disney+, Hulu, Max Bundle) |
Digital Subscription |
Hulu (Disney+, Hulu, Max Bundle) |
Digital Subscription |
Hulu (Max Add-on) |
Digital Subscription |
Prime Video Channels |
Digital Subscription |
YouTube TV |
Digital Subscription |
YouTube Primetime Channels |
Digital Subscription |
Your TV Provider |
Traditional TV Provider |
Here are the popular providers who include Max.
- HBO: As you know HBO and Max now work together.
- Hulu: Max comes in Bundle and Accessible through the App
- Prime Video Channel: Added as additional channel.
- YouTube: You can Subscribe to Max through YouTube TV.
- Roku: You can stream Max content through the Roku platform.
- Apple TV: You can enjoy Max through the Apple devices or you can access through the App.
- AT&T: Max is a part of the package plan.
- Comcast Xfinity: Available with packages.
I Hope this article is really helpful for you and we also cover a few questions which a Max user faces sometimes . Now let’s talk about the conclusion of Max.
You can find out how to connect your provider, how to login and create a Max account, you can learn how to activate your
Also you find out where you can get your activation code and providers who include Max. You can also read FAQs for a better experience.
My provider isn’t listing. How can I subscribe to my provider?
If your provider isn’t listed in Max then you can subscribe directly through the website.
How to connect a computer with
Go to the website on your computer and create or sign in your account then go to the subscription option.
How to connect Mobile Device with
Download or Install Max app in your mobile device and create a Max account then you can stream your Max content.
Can the code be used Multiple times for connection?
There is No Way you can use the same code multiple times, Max gives activation codes that are always different and unique.
What should I do if my code is not working?
If your code is not working you can refresh or reload the activation page and you can also double check your code. Check your internet connection too.